26 definitions by The All-Knower

A cool way of sayin' someone's dead. 'Cause if someone was dead, they'd be underground, and if they were underground they would be the only ones responsible to make things come out of the ground. See intertia.

That's right, dead guys make flowers. Smell them.
I shot Billy with a gun. Now he's pushin' up daisies.
by The All-Knower December 29, 2005
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That girl from Boy Meets World. In the beginning, Cory hated her, but at the end of the show they were married. And what fun they had then.
"Hey, Topanga, breck meh out some beerz."

"I love you."

"Whay dem beerz?"
by The All-Knower December 29, 2005
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Humapoo is a user at forums.nintendo.com with a really long name that we shorten it with "Humapoo." It's a girl.
Humapoo edited NOA_SHAUN's post and that is why she is banned.
by The All-Knower December 27, 2005
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Soon to be a big hit on NBC. Sitcom about a bunch of Friends in New York.

Hmmm... sound familiar?
Committed was released in January and it soon was cancelled.
by The All-Knower December 27, 2005
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The codename for Nintendo's next system, to be revealed at E3 '05. Said to revolutionize gaming and is rumored to lack a D-Pad and A/B buttons.
by The All-Knower December 27, 2005
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The thing at all Lithium-made forums that eats people whole. Avoid at all costs.
Little Johnny has just been eaten by the bar of doom!!!!!!!
by The All-Knower December 27, 2005
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