2 definitions by ThatGuyWhoAddedThatWord

The signal that the chick you just texted is possibly interested and/or willing to converse with you

also refer to "Hi:)"
Text Conversation:

Austin: EMILY! whats up????
Emily: Hey:)

Looks like we got a winner!!!!
by ThatGuyWhoAddedThatWord July 31, 2011
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When a girl decides she's is done talking to whoever she is, in a rude way. Chances are it was a text conversation with her boyfriend or other guy and she was bitching him out.
Austin: I just dont get why you are reacting like this? it wasnt even a big deal.

Emily: ummm how about you dont talk to me like im stupid. k thanks
by ThatGuyWhoAddedThatWord July 31, 2011
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