3 definitions by ThaGoldenRod

Term used by white kids, to avoid getting there ass beat by black people.
White kid: Hey whats up nigga
Black Kid: Bitch what'd you just call me?
White Kid: Niqqa?
Black KId: Ohhh it's cool homie.
by ThaGoldenRod June 19, 2012
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A male, who is very sweet to the ladies, he's so sweet every girl friend zones him. He also has gets played and cheated on left and right. He get's tired of girls hurting him, so he decides to do crazy and daring things.
Girl 1: He is such a sweet-guy, let's his life.
Girl 2: Okay, let's lead him on and then date a douche bag.
Girl 1: You read my mind!
by ThaGoldenRod June 19, 2012
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A.- The act of entering wal-mart in a strange costume and performing a simple dance.

B.- Going to wal-mart and fucking shit up
Ted: Hey dude we're about to go fuck shit up at wal-mart, wanna come?
Roger: You mean wal-marting?
Ted: Sure whatever.
Rodger: HELL YEAH!!!

Rian: What's that strange costume for?
Joe: Wal-marting, what else dumbasss.
Rian: Just asking...
by ThaGoldenRod June 19, 2012
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