14 definitions by Th3rd

You will find these strange creatures usually clogging up your local Nike store, Listening to either Pit Bull or Eminem on full volume in the back of the class during a test (usually via wireless Beats), or trying to act cool by inviting your sister to parties. Fuckbois are above and beyond the common douchebag. They are usually from the ages of 12 to 25, and can be found wearing any and all things Nike. They often were hated or outcasted in their early years of school because they were weird or bossy, and now, they want all the attention they can get. They post shirtless selfies of themselves making a "cool" or pouty face with an average of 3-5 instagram filters and tags such as #thuglife or #Swag. They own every Call of Duty that comes out, even if they only play it for about 5 minutes before letting it gather dust next to their Xbox One, which they have also only used to play minecraft and titanfall. Fuckbois are also bitchy and controlling. You will often see fuckbois wearing napkins or duct tape wrapped around their new Air Jordans so they don't get dirty. They will also commonly try to look cool by smoking Vapor Pens or Cigarettes (which they will only puff), and showing an obsession with Weed, even if they've only smoked it once or twice at the most.

To sum up a fuckboi, they are a mix of a Bitch, a Jock and a Wigger.
For a very good example of a Fuckboi, please visit any social media page created by Justin Beiber.
by Th3rd June 14, 2015
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Senpai means Teacher or Mentor in Japanese. The word is most commonly used by annoying as fuck weeaboos, making many people cringe when said out loud
Japanese School Student: "Good morning Senpai"

(Everyone within a hundred foot radius begins to speed walk in the opposite direction)
by Th3rd July 21, 2015
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When you post something on a thread or forum that no one has posted on in over 5 years, either do to the site it's on being dead, or the fact that all of the posters on the thread moved on with life and forgot about it.
Steve (sees post on yahoo answers)
Depressed Girl: Im going to kill my self soon. What should I use?
Steve (sees post was made in 2006)
Steve: Shit.. I was LatePosting again...
by Th3rd July 14, 2015
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The peak of sexual pleasure. Orgasms can be amazing, however, if a guy has an orgasm without blowing the load(which is possible), then he will be stuck with a nasty case of blue balls until his body is ready for another one, which could take hours to days. Orgasms can also cause the feeling of tingling or numbness around the genital area, the stinging of the urethra if your load is massive, and complete loss of control of your body for 7 seconds. Women will experience a feeling of intense calm, sometimes followed by the stinging of the vagina.
Fun fact: During an orgasm, over 90% of your brain shuts down so you LITERALLY cannot control your body for about 4-7 seconds if you have a massive cum.
by Th3rd July 14, 2015
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When you crash at a friends house or vise versa and you start snuggling, or other doing sexual activities, but you both act like you're straight and pretend like nothing happened in the morning.

Essentially a one night stand, but for gay or bisexual people who are too shy to come out of the closet.
Example 1:
Jacob: "Morning dude"
Carl: "Hey."
Jacob (thinking to himself): "That guy gives the best hand jobs iv'e ever had"

Example 2:
Steve: "So how'd the party go"
John: "Pretty good. I'm almost positive Jacob and Carl were having Closet Sex after they thought I fell asleep though."
by Th3rd September 29, 2015
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A site used by multiple generations over the course of 16 years to define the words they don't tell you about in class.

Over the years, the Urban Dictionary has gained a reputation as one of the first and still one of the best websites out there. Thanks to this site, Our younger siblings no longer have to eavesdrop on us.
Some posts on the Urban Dictionary are so old that they could have been your dad...
by Th3rd July 14, 2015
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A: When a guy gets soapy water up his urethra after washing his genital area.

B: When an unlucky guy, uneducated in what and what not to use as lube, attempts to use soap to start whacking it

Soap Dick is commonly caused by the old fashioned bar soap (which should be avoided for washing your genital area AT ALL COSTS) but shampoo and body soap are also possible things that can cause Soap Dick. It causes a horribly painful burning sensation throughout the inside of the head of the penis. Soap Dick usually does not go away until you flush out the soapy water by urination, which is extremely painful, but luckily it doesn't last long.
Soap Dick for men is equivalent to a woman getting Sand-a-Vaganosis
by Th3rd June 29, 2015
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