11 definitions by Tereth

a hella awesome website with lots of and , HELL YEAH!
Since my parents installed a blocker on my computer, I always go to newgrounds to jack off.
by Tereth January 24, 2005
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a lame dickweed who was on TNG for an agonizing 3 and 1/2 seasons. It was a hella lot better when he got his skinny ass outta there.
Damn, wesley eats his mom out.
by Tereth March 13, 2005
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an evil, greedy who kills thousands of civilians so he can make more money and exterminate Islam, can't speak a single goddamn sentence without misquoting, can't eat munchies without choking on them, and thinks that religion and society should be entwined.
wow, george bush is a dickwad!
by Tereth February 13, 2005
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a weak ie man from star wars who manages to kill his father and the emperor by sheer luck.
WIthout his lightsaber, Luke would get pwned by Worf
by Tereth February 17, 2005
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When a - s a guy with a strap-on
Man, my ass hurts. My friend wrung me last night.
by Tereth February 14, 2005
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when your computer is hella laggy so on online servers you so you can go killin everybody and their mother cause they won't be able to catch you
damn I was playin halo yestaday. It was lagalicious!
by Tereth February 16, 2005
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