15 definitions by TennisPlayer69

That stressful time when you wonder if your funny urban dictionary definition will be published before you see your friends later that day.
Your Definition Will Be Reviewed Soon is more stressful than falling off a 100 foot building.
by TennisPlayer69 June 9, 2021
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The people at urban dictionary have kidnapped me, and are forcing me to write 10 definitions every minute. I think there are at least 3 other people here. They only feed me bread with a cup of water for breakfast lunch and dinner. I haven't bathed since they kidnapped me. I am surrounded by metal walls. PLEASE HELP ME
HELP ME, I have been kidnapped by Urban Dictionary, but don't worry this is a joke.
by TennisPlayer69 June 2, 2021
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Evil creature with the Latin name Stupidus Annoyingus that don't want any help, are very gullible, and hunt prey during the day. Hunting techniques including yelling, the evil stare, and the most common "Show me your manager!"
Karen is hunting it's prey in the Walmart.
by TennisPlayer69 May 28, 2021
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A literal baby who only knows the phrases lessss goooooo, yea yea, and convertible
It's DaBaby lessss goooo.
by TennisPlayer69 June 9, 2021
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The rarest type of dog, and also the best.
Ha! I have a Carmella you fool, I am not poor enough to have a "Fido" like yours.
by TennisPlayer69 June 2, 2021
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A person named "Ben" that is tall in reference to his peers.
The Earth is shaking!!!! It must be benstock.
by TennisPlayer69 May 27, 2021
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