23 definitions by TenInchPlaya

Repeatedly saying something over and over, or rather whining about it, therefore destroying the point you were trying to make and making you look like a complete bitch because no one is listening to you.
Stop your bitching about "rap is crap."
by TenInchPlaya September 15, 2006
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Term that pretty much speaks for itself; someone who is mellow and not very wild at all, especially when it comes to sex.
I dumped my girlfriend today...let's face it, in bed she was about as maniacal as a box full of kittens.
by TenInchPlaya October 15, 2006
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Dr. Evil's clone who is 1/8 his size. Doesn't say much except for "eeeeeeeeeee" (although one time in a rap song of 'just the two of us' he did say 'YOU AND I' in a very low voice). Has such a big ass dick that Nigel Powers says he can use it as a kickstand. Favorite pastimes include eating chocolate and humping the frickin' laser.
Mini Me (writing): Are you sure you don't have a little clone in you?
Foxxy Cleopatra: Yeah. I'm sure.
Mini Me (writing): Would you like to?
by TenInchPlaya October 15, 2006
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Guy 1: "What's 5 x 3?"

Guy 2: "Who cares?"

Guy 3: "Man you're such a pussy, it's 'Who gives a fuck'. God, don't you know how to swear?"
by TenInchPlaya August 13, 2006
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A fast food chain that is proud to give young African-Americans an opportunity to serve their community, making them responsible for the welfare of their own environment.
"Yo I heard Calvin got a job at WacArnolds."

"Let's rob that nigga."
by TenInchPlaya August 15, 2006
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When you try to credit card that bitch, but end up getting a bunch of shit on your fingers, after which your partner turns around and slaps the fucking shit out of you.
I wanted to credit card her so bad, but every time I got my hand up close to that ass I got my credit card rejected.
by TenInchPlaya October 15, 2006
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Identity theft company, or something like that, I don't really give a shit, but they always have the funniest commercials.
~Citi Commercial~

Old lady 1: Them motorcycles expensive and fast! Them bikes be like WEHHHHHHHHH
Old lady 2: No them be like BRRRRRRRRR
Old lady 1: No they went like WEHHHHHHHHHHHHH
by TenInchPlaya October 15, 2006
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