1 definition by Templewolf

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement -- ACTA.

How Obama (&company), censored the internet despite mass protests against SOPA and PIPA.

Under the provisions of ACTA, copyright holders will be granted sweeping direct powers to demand ISPs remove material from the Internet on a whim. Whereas ISPs normally are only forced to remove content after a court order, all legal oversight will be abolished, a precedent that will apply globally, rendering the treaty worse in its potential scope for abuse than SOPA or PIPA.
Possible Future Headlines:

"White House bypasses Senate to ink ACTA, an agreement that could allow Chinese companies to demand ISPs remove web content in US with no legal oversight."

"Craig's List, Urban Dictionary, and Wikipedia BANNED from the Internet due to ACTA violation ALLEGATIONS by Microsoft...

...Microsoft announces launch of new and improved replacement sites for Craig's List, Urban Dictionary, and Wikipedia...

...basic subscription is FREE!!!...

...(for now)
by Templewolf January 27, 2012
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