545 definitions by Telephony

To leave a shit that is unexpectedly stinky and intentionally failing to flush the loo afterward; the unflushed poo really fucking reeks and makes the bathroom stink to high heaven.
Johnny retaliated for his mother asking him to clean his room by going into the bathroom to leave a stinky.
by Telephony February 16, 2019
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Simply put, the year 2017.
Called Twenty Stick-Busted-Stick because when viewed from above, it looks like a twenty, a stick, and a broken stick.
{On a BBS about wheelchairs and scooters}:

New Year's Day (0-01-17) {or "2017 01 Jan.", or even "Jan. 01, Twenty Stick-Busted-Stick if you prefer}. Just making my daily check-in from Juneau AK. USA...my people (who live in Nicaragua) we have but one bunghole...er...uh...I mean, "I only have a sodding singular update to my website today: it is an update to my Foto(s) del Día" web page with...well, what else could it be?
by Telephony December 31, 2016
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The incorrect way to say, "piss in the bed".
After all, you don't say, "piss the toilet" or, "piss the bottle"; you'd say, "piss IN the toilet" or, "piss IN the bottle".
{Mother} : Jimmy, no more Kool Aid tonight or else you might piss the bed.
{Jimmy}: Mommy, don't you mean I might piss in the bed?
by Telephony January 17, 2018
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A bone crook is a dog who steals or hides a bone from other dogs in the household.
The bone crook is sneaky enough to pull off the crime without the other dogs knowing.
Murphy stole a big-ass ham bone from in front of the fireplace and stealthily skittered down the stairs with it without the other dogs' knowledge. When I looked for the bone, I had found that the bone crook ate the fucker!
by Telephony April 5, 2018
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How some people pronounce the phrase, "chocolate mousse" {"mousse" should be pronounced as though it were spelled, "moose"}.
{Norm}: Awww motherfucker pussy cocksucker!!!
{Debbie:} What happened Norm?
{Norm}: I just nocked over this fucking chocolate mouse and now there's brown shit all over the floor!
by Telephony July 25, 2014
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Slang term for the female cunt; esp. if that pussy's owner is on the rag.
Don't fuck Jessica tonight; she has a bloody hatchet wound and you'll get your dick covered in her menstruation!!!
by Telephony October 1, 2018
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It means the same as pissed off but with much more severity.
Jack was piddled-off...no, pissed off...er...um...fucking shitted off that some true-blue total asshaberdasher had kicked the urinal off the wall and then smashed it to bits with a hammer, knowing full well that it will be months before Jack can afford to have it replaced!
by Telephony September 7, 2019
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