545 definitions by Telephony

Simply put: the acronym for Soggy Toliet Paper.
It is *** NOT*** the motor oil additive that makes your car motor run better!
Don't use that end stall!!! It has STP in it!!!
by Telephony May 29, 2015
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BarneySplat was a BBS door game that allowed the player to do all kinds of cruel things to our favourite bloated & distended purple dinosaur Barney.

Released by Bong Software in 1993, this text-only game allowed the player to get Barney drunk or stoned; even Baby Bop and the kids get to smoke out and get hammered. You also receive opportunities to kill the satanic purple pedophile ?(along with everybody el;se!) in addition to getting everybody ripped or stupid-drunk until they're all eliminated from the game.

An example screen would look like this:

"I have an idea!" Barney says. "Let's have a TEA party!"
Everyone gets out the tea and cookies, you get ready your arsonic and alcohol.

Fun things to try at the "TEA" party:
(S)pike it
try to make (P)eace tea
or (D)on't do anything
Hey Carlton! That BBS I was just on has BarneySplat in their door games menu!
by Telephony June 23, 2019
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A phrase (spoken as though it were a single word) that simply means, "bed".
{Paul} After I finish this smoke, I'm gonna hit the sack-e-poo.
{Craig} Sounds good. Good night Paul!
by Telephony September 18, 2019
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What you might call the rock legend, "Johnny Cash"

John is another name for a toliet, and cash is another name for money.
We're going to see Tolietty Money perform at the Gorge Amphitheatre this evening. Wanna join us?
by Telephony May 13, 2015
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A chihuahua (breed of dog) that defecates much more than you'd expect a small dog to leave a shit.
Toby is known as the incredible shitting chihuahua because he shits in the yard so much!
by Telephony November 2, 2018
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The baby equivalent of the toilet muscle; often used as a substitute for baby's bottom or baby's butt; as in, "as smooth as a baby's butt.
Barbara, your face is as smooth as a baby's diaper muscle! What kind of skin cream do you use?
by Telephony August 3, 2012
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When you find that your beloved pet dog has defecated all over the floor (the kitchen floor in particular; but carpeted floors throughout the house would still qualify), you sing this little jingle.
{Sung to the tune of the nursery rhyme, "The Farmer in the Dell"}:

♫ There's poo-poo on the floor, ♫
♫ There's poo-poo on the floor, ♫
♫ Don't shit in the stereo ♫
♫ There's poo-poo on the floor, ♫
by Telephony August 31, 2016
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