8 definitions by TearDrop

Placing your testicles in another person's eyesockets, one for each hole. Only can be done when the person giving the ballnoculars goes up 2 or more.
Eric gases on Chris so Chris is now allowed to give Eric ballnoculars
by TearDrop April 24, 2005
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to spread your ass cheeks and sit on someones face
I fell like giving Watts a spreader once i am done drinking this exlax.
by TearDrop February 17, 2004
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To collect feces and urine in a backed up pipe to make sludge and putting it in a pale to dump on someone.
When Doug walked out of his house i hit him with a turkey surprise
by TearDrop February 8, 2004
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two men rubbing limp dicks together
Watts and danny were playing noodles last night in their bedroom until it turned into a good ole fashion sword fight
by TearDrop February 8, 2004
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when the answer isnt no or yes it's bo
Harry asked Steve "do you wanna eat my meatloaf sized shit?" and Steve responded "bo?"
by TearDrop February 8, 2004
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blowing hershey squirts into the toliet, then dipping your testicles into the toliet, and then proceeding to drop your testicles in another person's eyesockets. Only can be done when the person giving the fecenoculars goes up 3.
Eric gave Chris an uncalled for dirty munch while he was koed to danny diveto, so Chris retaliated by giving Eric fecenoculars.
by TearDrop April 25, 2005
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Dave spread his ass cheeks and started to press them against the hookers pussy. She then realized he was gonna start whipping some corny pudding.
by TearDrop February 8, 2004
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