12 definitions by Tbagmartin

When You open your ass over someones head in a swallowing motion while they are passed out and push there head into your ass.
Cuzan johny passed out so i gave him a Chelsea Clam Shell,when he awoke he was not happy.
by Tbagmartin March 28, 2010
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when texting a very common text abbreviation "PFIA" means Put Finger In Ass you can add PFIARTF to text means "Put Finger In Ass Repeat Till Faint"
Example text Hey whats up?
Response PFIA
by Tbagmartin March 23, 2010
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A Mexican hot poker is when u dip your dick in hot sauce then in your Victims Ass!
My Girlfriend was acting up, so i surprised her with a Mexican Hot Poker! She was shitting fire for a week.
by Tbagmartin October 21, 2010
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A Mexican hot poker is when u dip your dick in hot sauce then in your Victims Ass!
My Girlfriend was acting up, so i surprised her with a Mexican Hot Poker! Unfortunately while I was fucking her in the ass some hot sauce dripped from my balls into my ass and we both went to the ER. So please only use hot sauce as needed.
by Tbagmartin October 21, 2010
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Stinky Goggles is when You put your balls in someone's ass then on their eyes
Dude, that chick got the Stinky Goggles last night, her eyes have brown ball marks.
by Tbagmartin April 3, 2010
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Shittower is Something you do before getting dressed to go to work you take a shit and then immediately shower.

However in some extreme circumstances and if you are in a real hurry you can combine the act of shiting and showering to just one act of shittowering.
I just finished my coffee and i am going to shittower and get out here.

Thanks Tbagmartin
by Tbagmartin August 13, 2011
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GBA is an abbreviation for the phrase Gag Beat Analyze. Not to be confused with the NBA where many GBA actually take place.
"A good GBA makes everything feel so much better” former NBA player. GBA is not only used in the NBA its now common on dating websites, if GBA is in a profile you know you are in for a great night.
by Tbagmartin May 8, 2013
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