1 definition by TazoTea<3'er

the act of sending various amounts of internet links. Sometimes this is done mutually between two parties but every now and then you get that one guy who will send you a ridiculous amount of links, so many that you if you in fact watched and read them all you would reach the end of the internet.
Guy 1 "Dude man, you want to come over sometime?"

Guy 2 "Naw...I gotta stay home, parents suck, I'll probably jut spend all night on the internet."

Guy 1 "Alright bro...well I say we do some linkin'"

Guy 2 "Surely dudearino"


Facebook User "God, I added this kid from grade school...I don't even know him! BUT HE WON'T STOP LINKIN' ME. If I follow all these I will indeed reach the end of the internet."
by TazoTea<3'er November 10, 2010
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