29 definitions by Taxman

A decade ranging from January 1 1990 to December 31 1999.The greatest decade ever with internet, pizza, computers, wireless internet, cell phones, sony,playstation, Age of Empires and tons of other nerdy stuff.
In 1990's:
2.Pearl Jam
7.Scary Movie
8.Reality TV
by Taxman July 31, 2006
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A decade from January 1 1950 to December 31 1959.
In the 1950's:
1.Men wore black leather jackets, jeans, cotton shirts and often listened to Elvis Presley.

2.Women wore their hair back with ribbons and wore dresses.

3.Elvis Presly and Chuck Berry would have made rock n roll in this decade.

4.Only decade in which it was considered cool to be American.
by Taxman July 31, 2006
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When you’ve got to Amsterdam for a long weekend involving a lot of booze and Marching powder, and return to your UK workplace and cease to function like a normal human being. Zero human emotions are possible except a gormless, lifeless expression
Any timeframe on when you’ll cease to be a gormless worm ?
by Taxman January 12, 2021
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A decade from January 1960 to December 31 1969.According to Ken Brockman from the Simpsons, "What a pointless decade".
In the 1960's:

1.Beach Boys rise and make surf and pop/rock music
2.Beatles rose and made rock in 1964
3.Rolling Stones rose and made rock n roll as the original bad boys
4.The Who rose and turned rock into trashing hotel rooms, smashing instruments after ever gig and playing loud and being badass
5.Hippie Culture arose
6.Led Zeppelin appeared and soon became Godly
7.Richard Nixon becomes president
8.Neil Armstrong lands on the moon
9.Heavy Metal forms with Black Sabbath
10.JFK gets assinated
11.Vietnam war breaks out
12.Unprotected sex comes along
13.Kimi Hendrix
14.Invention of colour tv
by Taxman July 31, 2006
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Rock Opera Concept Album released May 23,1969 by The Who.The album that made The Who famous as it was the first Rock Opera composed and tells the story of a dumb,death and blind boy who is betrayed,abused and wonders what his purpose is then rises up as a spiritual leader and finds his place in the world.Some pinball is mentioned in the album.
1. "Overture" – 5:21
2. "It's A Boy" – 0:38
3. "1921"1 – 2:49
4. "Amazing Journey" – 4:24
5. "Sparks" – 2:46
6. "Eyesight to the Blind (The Hawker)" (Williamson) –2:13
7. "Christmas" – 4:34
8. "Cousin Kevin" (Entwistle) – 4:07
9. "The Acid Queen" – 3:34
10. "Underture" – 10:09
11. "Do You Think It's Alright?" – 0:24
12. "Fiddle About" (Entwistle) – 1:26
13. "Pinball Wizard" – 3:01
14. "There's A Doctor" – 0:23
15. "Go to the Mirror!" – 3:49
16. "Tommy, Can You Hear Me?" – 1:36
17. "Smash the Mirror" – 1:35
18. "Sensation" – 2:27
19. "Miracle Cure" – 0:12
20. "Sally Simpson" – 4:12
21. "I'm Free" – 2:40
22. "Welcome" – 4:34
23. "Tommy's Holiday Camp"(Moon) – 0:57
24. "We're Not Gonna Take It" – 7:08
by Taxman September 17, 2006
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Seventh Studio Album by The Who released October 18, 1975.
The Who By Numbers:
1."Slip Kid" – 4:31
2."However Much I Booze" – 5:02
3."Squeeze Box" – 2:42
4."Dreaming From the Waist" – 4:07
5."Imagine a Man" – 4:04
6."Success Story" (Entwistle) – 3:22
7."They Are All in Love" – 3:02
8."Blue, Red and Grey" – 2:49
9."How Many Friends" – 4:06
10."In a Hand or a Face" – 3:25
by Taxman September 17, 2006
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