43 definitions by Tasha

"So is this house Chickadoo?"
"No your house is CHIC-KA-DOO!!!"

win a date with tad hamilton
by Tasha March 11, 2004
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A person who is gay as hell. Usually a man that is more female then most females. Flamming Fairies are the free spirited one of the gay community. They have been known to be very care free and will hit on your even if they know that you are not even remotely close to being gay.
I love to gather my all my flamming fairy friends to go shopping with me because they have awesome taste in womans clothes!

I saw this flamming fairy at The Village on Thursday night who was a man but was more of woman than myself.
by Tasha April 5, 2005
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Eat shit and Die.... Usually always said when mad!!! The again, my normal words to close friends are eat shit and die.
I wish I could do this.... 1) Grab a cup.... 2) Squat down and release the dump in the cup... 3) Grab a spoon... 4) Sit down the other person.... 5) Forcefully feed them the cup full of shit... 6) Hope that they die.
by Tasha April 6, 2005
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Noom is a word you say when there is a break or an akaward moment in conversation.
1:OMG I cant believe you gave him head after he slept with Tabitha!
2: Noom...
by Tasha April 13, 2004
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you're so onlyinchris
by Tasha July 31, 2003
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(1) Hella nice brotha
(2) Car booster
(3) Comes well equipped
Yo you a Kon
by Tasha June 7, 2003
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