3 definitions by Tara The Terrible

when someone goes straight down your Facebook page and likes everything. including wallposts, comments, statuses, etc.

usually it's a close friend of yours, or someone who's bored to death.
Al: I straight liked Amanda's Facebook page like 3 times she's pissed.

Sonia: That's hilarious I always do that to one of my co-workers when I'm bored.
by Tara The Terrible December 31, 2011
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asking someone if they will be your boyfriend/girlfriend for 5 minutes. from the movie nick and norah's infinite playlist
Sonia: Ugh, Dillon's going to be there with his new girlfriend

Priyanka: Looks like you're going to be pulling a nick and norah. At least find someone cute!
by Tara The Terrible February 13, 2011
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Hanging out our chilling with a close or best friend. Usually involves lots of laughing, and doing nothing.
Dad: Sonia what are you doing today?

Sonia: Brochilling with Kyle for sure.

Dad: What are you guys gonna do?

Sonia: Chill you know, play some COD and do nothing
by Tara The Terrible December 24, 2010
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