9 definitions by Tango

A person who just doesn't really fit into the conversation, some bizzare comment is made totally irrelevant to the subject
"You cheesy numpty"
by Tango January 22, 2004
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Bug Job is someone who is constantly anxious, being irritating, being worried about nothing ,being a pain in the Ass.
Or bringing up something that is non-relevent.
Stop being a bug job.
by Tango January 11, 2017
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Nip Nip Emergence (n)

Nip Nip Emergence is what happens when a woman gets cold and/or wet and/or has a bad bra.

Nip Nip, as in nipples, and emergence as in a combination of emergency and emerging.
1. Person 1: Dude! Is this a good bra or a bad bra?
Person 2: Bad bra! You have some nip nip emergence going on!

2. Person 1: Damn! I'm soaked and freezing!
Person 2: Yeah, I could tell by the nip nip emergence.
by Tango December 11, 2004
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A name for a dog that is bigger than 140lbs and prances around like a flaming homo. This was first seen at 513 in tempe arizona.
Dude is your great dane mean a lambchop or what he just prances around smelling the flowers.
by Tango October 8, 2004
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Occurs when one (usually male) aims for the brown stains left from a previous user in a public restroom, in order to avoid misplaced blame for having made them.
Bro, I totally had to pressure wash the porcelain in that bathroom. There was a hottie waiting in line behind me.
by Tango December 12, 2012
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complete numpty, also known as an intelligent article
by Tango January 23, 2004
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To kill someone by wrapping a chain around the back of their neck and pulling it, thus snapping their neck and kiling them.
1. Don't use chatspeak. It makes me want to scrag you.
2. I scrag n00bs.
3. Just seeing her makes me want to scrag myself.
by Tango December 5, 2004
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