1 definition by TanAiJanjong

Venusian's are entities born on the planet of Venus. They are known to be happy , joyous and have very pleasant personalities. They are a balanced generous people as well as fun loving and optimists naturally. A Venusian sees life as a gift and feel they have much to explore and enjoy in its brightness. Because of this their men marry early in life generally and make devote husbands threw life to all their family and apparently large amounts of pets . All if not most Venusian's are by human standards beautiful the men tall handsome and even though not always muscular always appear large in arms or chest area. The women seen as beauties as well with near perfect skin, Hair that is silky and strong with great figures. A good tell for Venusian's like most creatures is their eyes. A Venusian's eyes are large and round or almond shaped expressive eyes that reveal their tender nature , many having long eyelashes. A certain owner of a new founded electric car company is said to be Venusian. Though it should be noted this is not 100% confirmed as of yet. A Venusian speaks amtorian, Amtor of course being there planet to us known as Venus. Venusian's due to personality and outlook tend to be very successful in theory most Venusian's would dominate the current earth workforce. This is simply because most earth inhabitants are unhappy undisciplined and under developed.
Damn this new hyperloop formula is messing me up boss ! Ted give it to the Venusian he will have the math done before lunch.
by TanAiJanjong September 26, 2018
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