28 definitions by Taeko Hentie

Something that defines your skill over a short term. For long term see test
Person 1 : I Can't wait for my Biology Quiz on Monday!
Person 2 : Good for you!
Person 1 : Thanks!
Person 3 : Douches.
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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1. adj. Excessively Grabbing
2. Slang for Gangsta Raper (Not Rapper)
1. Look how rapacious John is being towards Bob's Balls!
2. Hear about G's Rapacious Cousin?
Naa I stick to the Gangsta Rappaz!
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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Masturbation, or touching of one's self, jacking off, playing the yum yum trumpet etc. Before getting engaged or married.
Gee, you hear about the pope's Premarital Masturbation?
Ya! I think he should go to hell or at least get laid.
by Taeko Hentie April 7, 2006
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1. Fail
2. Foul
3. Four
4. Fine
5. Find
6. Free
2. Phael Balls are only an inch away! :D
4. That's Phael in my book. READER AND SEED HER! :D
5. I Phaeled my Math Test, it's behind me.
6. Nothing good in life Phaels, it ends up progressing.
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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Skinny little guy at the bottom of the hit list, thinks he's all tough.
Gangsta : Hey Slim Pickin'! We have bigger fish to fry now, but one day we're gonna get your ass!

Slim : I own, u ain't got nothin! U ain't own me!

Person 1 : Just ignore him, let's go down to the beach.
Person 2 : Ya he ain't nobody, he's just a Slim Pickin'!
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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Wanksta with a bad set of ballz.
I been seein' that wanksta checkin' his wang, he must be a Pranksta!
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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When your head gets stuck between a man's balls and his grundle, and you have to walk around with him on top of you all day.
Hey, did you hear about bob? Some guy made him into a pants sandwich for the day, and he says he's been eatin' plenty to keep him alive. It seems they want a gay marriage.

O_O I think I'll just keep walking now, thank you!
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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