12 definitions by TMB

To wake up and find you mysteriously have a knackered arm
"ahh shit i must have been sleep wanking all night"
by TMB June 17, 2003
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The achievement of getting water on ur bum after dropping a log down toilet
"Man, that was some mad splash-back i got there"
by TMB June 17, 2003
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The obvious noise of someone nearby watching cheesey TV porn
"Oy Sam, I think Dave's Funk Guitarin' downstairs!"
by TMB June 17, 2003
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A place in a parallel universe where everyone's keys eventually end up
"Honey, where's my keys?"
"On the side"
by TMB June 17, 2003
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Being annoyed to the extent of wanting to hit someone or something round the chops (see chops>)
"Oy Christmas Tree!! I got beef with you!!!!"
by TMB June 17, 2003
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To finally break out a fart which has been rejecting entry to the atmosphere for a long time
"Ahhh, I just broke the round barrier"
by TMB June 17, 2003
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summerland is the bomb. it's the best show i've ever watched on tv. people who don't like summerland should go to hell, for even thinking that.
Me: Bradin (Jesse McCartney), is so hot.

Friend: Braddin is not that hot, if Usher was on the show it would rock.

Me: No, it would suck if Usher was on this show.
by TMB February 14, 2005
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