20 definitions by TM

A natural pill that not only helps you sleep but also gives you more intense vivid dreams. It also increases the chance of having a lucid dream.
That 6 mg of melatonin I took before I went to bed gave me a great nights sleep.
by TM January 8, 2005
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when you fuck a girl so hard she needs to sleep for around a day
when she wakes up her hair is all messy like the donald trump combover
Dude this girl wanted me so i trumped her
by TM May 7, 2005
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what you say to someone who gets all uppity when you make some jibe. Picture little old ladies raising their handbags in front of them and going "oooOOOOOooo"
TM: "...you're like their poster boy."

S: "WHAT? I can't believe you are saying that. In fact in the last two weeks i've taken the initiative to organise peeps I know to get to a private-party-in-a-club called Traffik, and to an upcoming Latin-inspired outdoor dance festival. Most people know which is my favourite venue (and, incidentally, I know which is most other peoples favourite as well because they've told me so, but there's always the odd one out) but that hasn't precluded me from going to loads of other clubs and events in the past just as it won't in the future..."

TM: "oooOOOOOooo! Ok man - don't have a hernia"
by TM June 14, 2004
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A horrorble coporate monster, consuming everything in it's path. Nothing can avoid it's destruction....all will fall victim to the tyrant of sp....see greedy
Smart Parts sued the pope for wearing a hat simialar in shape to an impulse's body....when the sue fell, smart parts instead hired assasins to kill the pope...
by TM April 4, 2005
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to be attacked with a whip by an irate dwarf wearing leather.
Addict: flagellate me!
gimpgirl: GRRRRRR!!!
by TM May 13, 2004
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Jappy people may seem stuck up at first but they are nice if you get to know them really they are.
She was really jappy, but like oh my god I so loved her skirt
by TM December 16, 2004
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