4 definitions by TIMDUB

The act of spectating the game of the player who just killed you (typically in a battle royale game) expressly for the purpose (and pleasure) of watching said player get killed by another player.
I can't believe that this guy xX_OneEdgyBoi_Xx_TTV_BTW got that shot in on me! I'm specthating his ass to make sure that he doesn't win!
by TIMDUB May 7, 2019
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AKA Chulajuana. Slowling becoming part of Tijuana because of the lack of imigration control.
I was driving down the road and noticed all the billboards were in Spanish and thought I was in TJ until I realized I was just in Chula Vista.
by TIMDUB September 14, 2005
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How frustrating a given situation or time-period is, as measured by the number of times one facepalms during said situation.

Can be abbreviated as "FPI."
"Dude, you were on the support line with that user for like two hours!"

"Yeah, he wasn't too bright. Facepalm index: 17."
by TIMDUB June 12, 2012
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A two-person game of Tag, during which the player tagging the other player exclaims "gotcha last!" This game can be as long or as short as the participants allow, sometimes spanning several days or weeks. Origin: The classic children's television show "Pinwheel."
Plus: "Gotcha last!"
Minus: "Gotcha last!"
by TIMDUB May 1, 2010
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