20 definitions by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!)

Slang term meaning "Fucked".
Origin: Honk-E's dirty, resin-ridden mouth.
Man, you be the one who be "Phuct"!
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Word Meaning "That is correct", when something is well said. Also acceptable: Word
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One who "Rams" "Objects" or "Organisms" "Up" "Their" "Ass" or simply that guy who watches you in your sleep... Man! He's a Sodomite!
DAMNIT SODOMITE! Did I not tell you this isn't James Joyce's House?! Just go! He's free-of-charge!
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To gain erotic pleasure from rubbing up against random strangers in crowded public areas.
When you feel somebody "Accidently" bump in to you or touch you and they "Apologize"... They are creaming their pants... That, my friend, is Frotterism!
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