11 definitions by THEdickhatch

The hippy is a sex position where three guys are doing three girls doggy style while the girls are all making out. All the while, all three guys are fist pounding, thus resembling a peace sign.
I've got one goal in life. That's to do the hippy.
by THEdickhatch January 21, 2008
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When you're goin down on a girl and you use your tongue in her cum box and your nose in her clit to maximize the experience.
I was gonna go sturgeon fishing the other day and boy howdy did my nose get a wiff of that fish when I proceeded to go to town with the Bergman nose technique.
by THEdickhatch August 30, 2012
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When you buy an extra case for a party and stash it in a hidden fridge or room. After you run out of beer and ask everyone for beer money, you go back to your bro pad and grab the happy case.
Yo let's score some money from everyone before I tell them we're going to the store. Then we'll just grab the happy case and everyone's happy.
by THEdickhatch September 24, 2010
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When you play so much Mario Party with your bros that you get blisters on the palms of your hands.
Chris: Dude what's wrong with your hands?

Alex: Bro I've just been playing Mario Party 1 for the last week straight. Shit gives you party hands, bro
by THEdickhatch June 17, 2014
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It starts off with a girl taking the initial poop to loosen up her butt hole then inverts her chill back mouth in the air so the guy can sit on her and align his chill hole with hers and poop into her butt and then perform the jackhammer in her butt then girl shits out the shit and man milk that's in her butt.
Was lookin' for some o' that nasty chill hole last night and I found it when this slut from the bar wanted me to poop chute her in the bathroom.
by THEdickhatch April 11, 2013
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an abbreviation for "Fuck You, Turn Table", often heard on the popular music DJing website turntable.fm when the site glitches and boots users from the stage and/or room.
Jon: "wtf I was up and now I'm standing on the ground. Seriously. FYTT."
by THEdickhatch September 12, 2011
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