11 definitions by TH

A word used to describe a tightly packed bag of weed. Has a soft cushiony feel and somewhat resembles a green pillow. Also, once you smoke it, you can fall asleep nice and easy.
Yo, I'm tryin to get a pillow tonight.
by TH October 21, 2004
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When two men or more engage in Double Penetration Sex in a woman, in the same hole, and their penises rub up against each other. It might as well be considered tummy sticks.
Peenjo Bumping is all the rage in "straight" DP porn these days.
by TH November 9, 2007
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What you make out of hash and weed in your pipe to smoke.
I love to smoke a good pancake in my pipe once in a while it gets me a good buzz :-)
by TH June 1, 2003
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the stupid kids at oakridge mall in san jose, ca that hang around and pose as ghetto freaks.

often seen wearing clothes that are too big for their size. also known to ask people for money or cigarettes.
damn mallrats keep asking me for cigarettes.
by TH February 23, 2005
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She is must be having pms stay out of her way today!!!
by TH June 3, 2003
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When the dick gets stuck in the dynamic pussy lips.
Damn bitch, my shit is kludged!
by TH December 8, 2004
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