7 definitions by TDinKS

The snowball effect of winning.
The advantages gained by winning once lead to more wins in the future which then lead to even more advantages going forward.
This politician experienced a Winball effect after they won their first primary election which caused their approval rating to go up and donations to come in which then led to another win which then caused their approval rating to go up again and more donations to come in.
by TDinKS March 6, 2020
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After there have been shortages, the psychological compulsion people feel to buy toilet paper every time they go to the store and they have it in stock.
Honey, I know we have 58 rolls of toilet paper, but I had a massive Pooplovian Response to buy one more package when I saw it on the shelves!
by TDinKS July 1, 2020
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Brothelish is the term applied to objects or home design which are done in a style reminiscent of a Brothel.
Did you see how they decorated their bedroom? It was brothelish. I guess they’re going to have some wild nights in there!
by TDinKS June 5, 2020
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Similar to the disease Celiac where people have Gluten Intolerance, but with Shitliac people have Bullshit Intolerance.
There’s no known cure for Shitliac. The best you can do is to manage the symptoms by staying away from salesmen and politicians.
by TDinKS October 9, 2019
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The activation phrase that can and should be used to start an iOS Siri command.
While other funny phrases can't be used, phrases close to "Hey Siri" can be. So when activating that feature, I picked "Hey Shitty". So now I can say "Hey Shitty, start a timer for 10 minutes" which is funny, productive, and an accurate name all at the same time.
by TDinKS September 29, 2020
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Trumpskyites are followers of Trumpskyism, a far-right ideology based on the theory of permanent revolution against "the establishment" made popular by Donald Trump.
The Trumpskyites lost their shit when Biden required COVID vaccines.
by TDinKS September 10, 2021
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A normal lie is when someone states something as a fact which is not a fact. An ultra-lie is when someone states something as a fact which is the opposite of a fact.
That politician who voted to repeal pre-existing medical insurance protections now claims that he’s always supported those protections, that’s an ultra-lie!
by TDinKS October 10, 2018
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