26 definitions by TBone

Permanent expansion team.
The Seahawks are, and always will be, crap.
by TBone May 30, 2003
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An individual from the U.P. of Michigan
My parents were raised in Northern Michigan so they are Yoopers.
by TBone April 16, 2003
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When a man ejaculates in a womans mouth, then she gargles it and spits it back up
Tom emptied his load into Jills mouth, she showed him how much she liked it by preforming a foaming mountain.
by TBone March 29, 2005
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n. the vaporous emission released from your suitemate's posterior when he enters your room late at night to say hi
I suspected special gas when Paul entered my room, said hi, turned around, waited a second, then left.
by TBone March 26, 2004
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The metrosexual art of trimming your hedges "body hair". Derived from the word landscape.
Look at that metro, his manscaping is out of control, he looks like a 12 year old boy!
by TBone July 6, 2004
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Adjective. Caucasian descendants of Oklahoma, Arkansas, West Virginia, and many other mid-western states. Usually toothless,inbred, and cornfed.
You know you're a brush okie when you keep a shovel and a pale in the back o' yer 'pickup truck' just in case ya come across some road kill so ya can make yo'self some roadkill stew...Now that's some dern gooood eatin'!
by TBone October 3, 2003
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Adjective. Being raised on very okie foods such as fried taters, squirrel dumplins, etcetera, etcetera......
That boy is a cornfed brush okie!

by TBone October 3, 2003
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