55 definitions by T Hizzle

A term used to describe a suspension of blood flow to the penis, in which case its erection has diminished and is no longer worth jerking off. This tends to occur when one deviates from the sexual trance.
When the mind begins to wander, the little brain fails to take responsibility for its own, and becomes a deadbeat.
by T Hizzle April 11, 2005
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1. Slang for marijuana, sometimes misinterpreted as the word 'bong'

2. Common adjective for marijuana.
"Yo, I'm about to blaze with this bomb I got.

When did you get a new bong?

No, not BON-G—BOM-B"

"Dis some bomb ass weed for sure"
by T Hizzle February 22, 2005
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What you say to anything so idiotic and appalling that it should be ignored and forgotten, even if it's simply something you would rather not hear.
Phil: I just got done taking a piss...

Josh: Next.
by T Hizzle May 23, 2005
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Adjective used to describe the breakfast a satisfied partner prepares after a night of excellent sex.
I fucked her wild and she made some mean eggs in the morning.
by T Hizzle April 22, 2005
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Michael Moorcock is an author of fantasy literature that features swords. Think about it.
by T Hizzle May 2, 2005
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The existential state for undead zombies because some evil motherfucker won't let them rest in peace.
Zombie: Half of my skull is missing. I fucking hate limbo!
by T Hizzle May 2, 2005
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Such A Terrifically Anal Neighbor

The type of residential neighbor that occasionally makes small demands in a patronizing passive-aggressive tone that causes insigificant violations of his or her property seem like it should be your personal responsibility to prevent.
Would you mind telling your visitors not to park so close to my driveway? Thanks.

Bite me, Satan.
by T Hizzle May 3, 2005
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