15 definitions by Syracuse JOHNSON

The name used for someone who has a clutch role in any situation, similar to a closer in pro baseball.
Come on Papelbon, we’re counting on you to get the weed for the 4am blunt to smoke before we pass out tonight.

You’re in charge of making dessert for our high feast. Unless you can’t handle the pressure of being the closer…

Call me a closer cuz I always seal the deal in the bedroom!
by Syracuse JOHNSON December 17, 2009
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When you get high, and eat a feast.

Be aware, the munchies often cause people to cook some fucked up combinations of food and condiments.
I really wanna smoke two epic bowls and make a high feast!
by Syracuse JOHNSON December 17, 2009
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To “like of” someone is similar to when you “know of” someone. Knowing of someone entails knowing their name, possibly face and reputation or a simple story. Liking of someone requires at least one hook up, and legitimate conversation.

You don’t really like this person of the opposite sex, but you have fun with him/her. You don’t truly care about this human, but you also don’t treat it like a piece of meat. You talk about this “friend” behind his/her back, but you will usually text/call back.

Falls in the friend spectrum between fuck buddy and relationship. It’s more involved than purely sex, and less committed than a monogamous association.

Could be described as the opposite of friends with benefits, more like benefits with friends. The intention of the bond is physical. The emotional element exists slightly, and obviously comes second to the shagging. If a friend with benefits has casual sex and a real friendship, then when you like of someone, you have real sex and a casual friendship.
I hooked up with this tramp a couple times last week. She’s a pretty damn cool hoe, and the banging is good. A relationship would never work, I don’t give a shit about her and …..

Quit babblin fucktard. You obviously like of her!
by Syracuse JOHNSON October 17, 2009
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When a tab whore cannot bear to shutdown his computer for the risk of losing all the open websites in his tab dump.
Dude, my computer is runnin slower than turtles stampeding through peanut butter.

Just restart it fuckface.

Can't. My tab anxiety's killin' me. I need to check out these links but haven't had the time.
by Syracuse JOHNSON February 26, 2010
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To ruin a great thing, for an extended period of time. Can apply to activities, objects, food, basically anything that you like at first, but then have a bad experience that turns you off of it.
Lasagna tastes great leftover, but you have to microwave it fuckin forever to make sure the inside isn’t cold. Last time I ate lasagna, I burnt my mouth on the first bite, then threw up once I got to the cold middle. It was so nasty that I couldn’t eat lasagna for a year.

(847): puked bacardi raz this morning. NEVER drinking that shit again!
(315): bitch thats the cold lasagna effect 4 u

Just saw Zack and Miri Make a Porno with that fat dude from Knocked Up. I don’t think I’ll ever have anal again after that scene where the big-titted chick shits all over the cameraman.
by Syracuse JOHNSON September 13, 2010
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Term used to show how difficult a task is, or the amount of time something would require.
I’d have to fall asleep standing up to teach that girl to be DTF. So fuckin prude, it would take forever…

I ate so much pizza hut today, I’d have to fall asleep standing up to burn off all the calories.
by Syracuse JOHNSON December 17, 2009
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A chick so short that it makes you wanna put her in your pocket and carry her around with you everywhere you go. (Named for the Mattel toy sold in the 90s.)

Specifications: attractiveness, non-dwarf/midget, vagina
Yo, I met this shorty the other day that was so fuckin cute and small that I just wanted to pick her up and drop her into my pocket.

So you met a Polly Pocket. Yeah, I could use me one of those.
by Syracuse JOHNSON December 14, 2009
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