1 definition by Sy4

Happy Hardcore stemed from the likes of Carl Cox back in the late 80's. It was about, as many have already said, the faster beats, the highhats, snares and 4x4 kick's. Not forgetting, ofc, the pitched up vocals. Truelly a defining moment for me, and many many others in the UK when it truelly took off. Orange/Rocket in London, Helter Skelter, the raves in fields in various Rural places after meeting up in a convoy on the m25. It was a time when people where truelly there to express themselves without the anger and agression, without the "bad Boy" image (that Jungle started and D&B continued!). If you remember ZeroB Locakup, Trip to Trumpton (Steve Jackson...blast from the past!) and Xenephobia (go with the flow with an E and rush me, xstacy, it really gets me going....).
Happy Hardcore: The Green Apple (Pirate Radio), Orange, XL Records, Red'n'Yellows, ZeroB Lockup
by Sy4 August 8, 2006
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