27 definitions by Sven

Lowest order of the uncool (geek > nerd > gug).

A GEEK is a successful nerd.
A NERD is an unattractive, socially clumsy or unstylish individual who is redeemed by being considered intellectual or "brainy."
A GUG is an unsuccessful nerd; or a stupid nerd.
That gug doesn't stand a chance... even the nerds are laughing at him.
by Sven December 10, 2003
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From the movie "Roots" Kunta Kinte had a sister named Renta. Her claim to fame is the first African Prostitute to come to America.
Renta Kunta is my main squeeze when I visit Detroit. I be her main man for the night (as long as I have $20).
by Sven June 10, 2004
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She stands up for what she believes in and no record company can make you something your not. Considering she switched record labels more than once because they were tring to make her someone she was not. And how many other artists actually write their own songs, play piano, guitar, and drums. Not many especially not many 20 year olds. So no matter what you may think or be jealous that she made it and you didn't dont disrespect her for doing her thing and doing it very well.
Avril Lavigne is a person who is herself, and has put her career from the begining in jeapordy because of that mentality that being an individual is more important than following a record companies beliefs.
by Sven November 1, 2004
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Intarwebz is leet for the internet. Also, it can be used in a joking manner.
"Dude, where did you find that!?" -Person 1
"On teh intarwebz! Duh!!1!" -Person 2
by Sven April 25, 2005
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Bob seems to be suffering from a high case of Shingo doesn't he?
by Sven April 23, 2003
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