3 definitions by Susey

naughty or illegal activity that your parents wouldn’t approve of🚬
jason: hey mum can i stay at sally’s tonight?

mum: hmmm only if there isn’t any shananagons !
jason: ok
by Susey April 9, 2018
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A place where people try to pat each other on the back and try to tell other people how great they are. But it never really happens because Friendster is a place where you can never get your messages out. Due to it being the slowest moving site on the f*ing earth.
1) I wanted to tell my frienster what a hottie they are, but the message wouldn't go through.
by Susey December 17, 2003
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A man.

A man who is pure genius when it comes to putting feelings into words and music.

A man with a heart of gold who is not for sale to the highest bidder.
Not a body part.

Not an object or a thing.
by Susey December 17, 2003
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