7 definitions by SuperThought

When something is really really good!
Refering to something being hot!
Only to be used to describe the VERY best i.e. something that cannot be topped by anything else.

"That girls bootie got temperature"
"I went to a club last nite and the trax the DJ was playing had temperature"
by SuperThought October 2, 2003
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A person with very bad acne. So much that it looks like they have been...bobbing for apples in hot grease! Yeah it's a gross one!
by SuperThought October 2, 2003
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Not having or doing anything
"Do you have money? I don't have jack smack"
"What did you do last weekend? I didn't do jack smack!"
by SuperThought October 2, 2003
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When a guy masturbates!
Get It? PALM-ela HAND-erson!
Like your PALM & your HAND!
All guys at one point or another have had a date with PALM-ela HAND-erson!
by SuperThought October 2, 2003
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A huge nicely shaped female butt.
Cannot just be wide but has to be round and bubbly!
As in moving lots of "something" from one place to another! :)
by SuperThought October 2, 2003
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getting the best booth at a club or restaurant or just having the advantage on anything aka the VIP treatment

*comes from car racing, having the most favorable position at the start of a race
*while sitting at a pimp corner booth at a club you got the "pole position"

*a good parking spot

by SuperThought October 2, 2003
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