1 definition by Super-K86

The best at Being "Fuckin" Fabulous and Aca-Awesome. Doesn't take shit from anyone and has a lot tolerance for stupid. Will spend several hours trying to pick a movie, before finally deciding to watch the same movie she always watches. Has the best taste in music. Extremely loyal and will do anything for a friend. The kind of person you want around when shit hits the fan. If you try to penetrate her social bubble, she may in fact claw your eyes out with her perfectly manicured nails. However, if you happen to get in, shes one of the best friends you'll ever have. She can adapt to any situation, and always finds a way to come out on top. Shes the kind of person that could sell Suave to Paul Mitchell using 40% bullshit, 40% luck and 20% bitchiness.
"Damn this is a good mix tonight, Kathryn must be playing DJ"
by Super-K86 June 23, 2014
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