8 definitions by Super S

A band singed to the same label as good charlotte .... do u see a patteren? the cry about who they are miss understood teenagers .. when in actual reality the are like 26-30 or wut ever and they still cry about how mommy and daddy want them to be perfect!!!!! come on get a fuckin clue
Fags like gc and avril and hillary .....fuckin fags
by Super S February 8, 2005
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One of the super coolest people in the whole world ...she is hylarious and can beat anyone in a brupping contest...and shes an amazing artiest
Crap shes a bugie...she kicks ass
by Super S February 6, 2005
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Led Zeppelin is the best band that ever was created!!!! who was they main band who saved my life. they are very orgasimic ...... :) They are to amazing to describe every time i listen to them im in a lose for words ...they are they greatest band ever and nobody will ever compare to them...Silvertide is amazing as well but they are NO LED ZEPPELIN...
Wanna be wennie: so whhos the greatest rock band?
Me: Led Zeppelin of Course
Wanna be wennie: okay exactly who r they?
Me:WHAT WHAT....beating the wennie up with a stick
by Super S February 6, 2005
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God is a great!!!! People who think God is or worng have obviously never prayed to God, or never gave God a chance. You don't have to be a certain relgion or be any relgion, but u can just beleive in God. God doesn't discriminate aganst any one.God gives every body a chance. Try praying to god before you say the worng thing about God. Youn may not agree with this but I do!
God is Great!!!!!!! God Rulez!!!!!
by Super S February 10, 2005
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Rain is the best weather (in my opion). its fun to do any thing in the rain. swimming in the rain playing inthe rain ..playing soccer in the rainand the feild gets muddy :) its the best
OH MY GOSH you guyz its raing out side lets go outside and play soccer!!!!!!!!!
by Super S February 7, 2005
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Stich was a great hammie!!!! And he past away on Feb 14 2005!!!!!He was alwayzgetting out of his cage and getting lost :)But now that can't happen any more because hes dead ....and nothing can bring him back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will always love you ....miss you ...Rest In Peace!!!!!!!!!!
by Super S February 14, 2005
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An amazing band... who desrives more credit then they get ...also a life saving band. Cheeck em out :) And Ben Burnley is SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude: breaking benjamin kicks ass
by Super S February 6, 2005
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