1 definition by Sunderhorse/Tyler

1. A punch so powerful and so mysterious, it holds the capability of breaking through the fabrics of time. There are many complicated theories, but in short, there is no past, nor no future. There is only one tense;The Falcon Punch is the only thing to ever truly exist. All you see is but an illusion. Think of a pond- when you throw a stone into a pond, ripples stream out from it. Due to Captain Falcon Falcon Punching Black Shadow, he destroyed time itself, and that simply repeats itself. It is said if you repeat the words "SHIEN SHIEN SHIEN, SHIEENNN-ZUUU" in a deep bass voice, you will wake up to a Falcon Punch. You will then be taken to the Heavens, led of course, by Captain Falcon.
2. A narrated punch, can generally be used in mid-air. Causes friends/little brothers to cry when spammed repeatedly, along with other cheap moves.
*Universe explodes.*
2. "FALCON PUNCH! Show me ya moves!"
"Tyler, god damnit, all you ever do is spam that stupid fucking move. Go outside, and make some goddamn friends, you prick."
by Sunderhorse/Tyler May 2, 2008
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