4 definitions by Sumo

A cricket term, to denote a man who bats a different way to the traditional right-handed stance.

A gay man, an uphill gardener.
That George Michael, he must be with the Laras, Gilchrists and Gangulys of this world. He's definitely a left-handed batsman!
by Sumo December 12, 2006
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To have anal sex with a person who, prior to the deed, has swallowed a piece of raw bacon with a length of string attatched to it. One end of the string hangs out of the mouth of the anal recipient and as "the moment" approaches for the anal giver, he yanks the piece of string, causing the other person to vomit up the piece of bacon. During vomiting, the muscles in the anus become tightly clenched, causing an amazing sensation for the anal giver.
We indulged in a spot of wolfbagging, and had a nice bacon sandwich afterwards.
by Sumo March 28, 2004
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To have anal sex with a person who, prior to the deed, has swallowed a piece of raw bacon with a length of string attatched to it. One end of the string hangs out of the mouth of the anal recipient and as "the moment" approaches for the anal giver, he yanks the piece of string, causing the other person to vomit up the piece of bacon. During vomiting, the muscles in the anus become tightly clenched, causing an amazing sensation for the anal giver.
We indulged in a spot of wolf bagging, and had a nice bacon sandwich afterwards.
by Sumo November 8, 2006
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The desire to acquire vast quantities of gaudy, chunky gold jewelery.
From a combination of chavvie, chav, etc. + avarice.
Brit. slang
Wayne's chavarice forced him to buy the bracelet for his girlfriend
by Sumo December 16, 2004
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