15 definitions by Streaker30

during a DP session, where the sacks of the two guys hit each other
Dude, how do you fancy a sandbagging session with Marjorie on Saturday?
by Streaker30 August 15, 2009
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A Toilet: because of echo made when you involuntarily fart while in the sitting position.
Nick: Jeez, that curry was a hot one last night, I think I'm gonna go play some tunes on the Arse Amplifier
James: Don't sit there too long, you may get a dose of Bog Leg
by Streaker30 June 1, 2009
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The streaks left on the bottom of the bog after shitting then flushing, and thus leaving numerous parallel lines of differing widths.
That Tescos sausage was tasty but it left the "Bog Barcode" on its way out
by Streaker30 May 30, 2009
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When after shitting, the power of the flush leaves many shit trails across the bottom off the bog in the direction of the U-Bend, resembling the trail left in the mud after dragging a body (possibly in a bag) across a muddy field
Nick: I think my detective wife may have solved the bathroom "whodunnit"
James: Really, what evidence did she use to solve such a henious crime?
Nick: Someone left mark's where they had been "Dragging a dead body through the mud"
by Streaker30 May 30, 2009
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A particularly stodgy shit that wont leave your arse. The type produced after eating food at a German Beer Keller.
Jeez, that Eisbeinesse last night, it must have left Nick with quite an anchor. I heard him int early hours puffing and panting in the lav. It must have been so painful to release, but when it did, it went with quite a splash.
by Streaker30 August 14, 2009
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Nick: Damn, Lester has lodged his lunch in the U-bend again
James: Sounds like another job for our trusty "Dalek's Eye"
by Streaker30 May 30, 2009
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Jon (sniffing): Did you Drop your shopping?
James: Ah, yea, that was me, I'm back on meat
by Streaker30 August 15, 2009
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