12 definitions by Strands57

Somone who says no about somthing, or one of ur friends, or somone gay.
A person in general.
Hey Poor what are you doin later?
"Can you lend me a ride?" "nope can't" "poor ass"
"Poor what's ur plan for the weekend?"
by Strands57 December 21, 2006
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A queer or fag, somone really retarded and anoying.
OMG! stop acting like a stupid fucking chode!!
by Strands57 December 21, 2006
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Another word for girls. Not normally intended to be insulting. Guy's refer to girls as a vag. Girl's DO NOT refer to each other as a vag.
Hey Sarah, invite some more vag's here it's starting to become a sausage fest.
by Strands57 December 21, 2006
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Another word for girls. Not normally intended to be insulting. Guy's refer to girls as a vag. Girl's DO NOT refer to eachother at a vag.
Hey Sarah, invite some more vag(es) here it's starting to become a sausage fest.
by Strands57 December 21, 2006
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To lie.
To tell somone things that aren't true.
To say something untrue.
To say something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive somebody.
I just can't believe he could stand there and just feed me those lines.
That's just a load of feed.
Feed man feed, no way!
by Strands57 December 19, 2006
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A line used to ask somone if they know where to buy some drugs.
Hey matt, so do you know anything?
by Strands57 December 21, 2006
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To steal, or take without intent to pay back or to return.
The pop machine just gibbsed my money.
by Strands57 December 19, 2006
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