12 definitions by Straemer

nickname for the drummer of the very awesome band, korn
Munky got his nickname becuase his limbs are long, so he resembles a monkey
by Straemer December 1, 2006
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> means "less than", and 3 means three, therefore <3 means less than three
2<3 would mean that two is less than three, which it is
by Straemer June 26, 2006
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rolling on the floor laughing my ass off peeing my pants
guy 1: your mom's so fat when she goes to the beach, shes the only one that gets a tan
guy 2: rotflmaopmp
by Straemer August 28, 2007
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The day after Crash Thursday (the second Friday of months that don't begin with a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday). The day you have to perform a system restore on your computer due to the effects of the patch you installed on Patch Tuesday that caused your Crash Thursday. Done to prevent further crashes from occuring
Guy 1: Happy System Restore Friday!
Guy 2: Ya, hopefully they fix the patch up so I don't get another Crash Thursday
by Straemer October 10, 2007
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too much metal for one hand. done by putting hands in fists, putting them together (like the m's) and sticking up both your pinkies
woah slayer is way to heavy better switch from \m/ to \mm/
by Straemer August 25, 2006
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soon to replace pwned, wned will be an intentional mispelling of pwned (an intentional mispelling of owned); when enough people miss the "p" and hit the "".
A: prepare to be wned
B: im pretty sure you mean pwned
A: i said prepare to be wned
by Straemer May 20, 2008
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lol with a Spanish accent, laugh aaaout loud, or even laugh aaaout laaoud.
guy 1: wassup?
guy 2: the ceiling
guy 1: lal
by Straemer August 28, 2007
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