4 definitions by Str8ness

1. In the classical sense, a person who is strong, confident, and inspires awe in others.

2. In the more novel sense, a man who engages in homosexual activities, and thus has a "bad" ass.
1. Man did you see that guy drink thirteen beers and eat the glasses that they came in?! What a badass!

2. That guy with the manicure buying the Bette Midler album looks like a major methilil. I bet he's a badass.
by Str8ness October 19, 2006
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1) An adjective used to describe a person of exceptionally low intelligence, especially one with homosexual tendencies

2) A substitute for the word fuck
Stop being such a huge methilil, and shut the methilil up.
by Str8ness April 2, 2006
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A combination of the words "lol" and "vortex," which denotes a a thread on a fourm where the message lol is quoted over and over again by different users who after quoting then enter the word lol themself. Each user quoting every user behind them inside the quotes of others creates a box of quotes that begin to look like a vortex. Thus it is a vortex of lols.
"Everyone was laughing at everyone's lol on the forums last night. It formed a loltex!"
by Str8ness July 30, 2006
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Jenny goes to UT AND takes it up the ass? What a sluppie!
by Str8ness August 15, 2006
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