4 definitions by StopMakingEverythingAboutSex

Originally a very crass, vulgar term to describe sexual intercourse.

Currently this word is used for virtually everything, generally by uneducated imbeciles too lazy and/or stupid to develop an actual vocabulary. It is put to similar use by otherwise normal people who are not actually uneducated imbeciles but desire to present themselves as such.
Often used to extreme excess by young adults who lived sheltered childhoods, and so try to seem edgy by using words they were never allowed to use as kids.
Uneducated Idiot: "What the fuck? Fuck that fucking fucker, he is fucked up!"
Normal Person: "Are you even aware that half your vocabulary is comprised of a single word?"
Uneducated Idiot: "Fuck you!"
Normal Person: "Here, take this. You've probably never seen one... it's called a dictionary."

Formerly-Sheltered Young Adult: "Fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything! Hey, did you HEAR me, Normal Person? I said fuck, and I don't even care! See the natural fucking ease with which it rolls off my tongue! I feel so fucking grown up, now that I have the freedom to make a fucking IDIOT of myself! I feel so fucking EDGY."
Normal Person: "Don't hurt yourself."
by StopMakingEverythingAboutSex September 2, 2018
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1) Happy, cheerful
2) Brightly colored

Oh... wait, did I forget something?

Was there supposed to be a third definition that had something to do with homosexuality?

Sorry, but no. There's already at least one proper term for that, along with several improper and offensive ones.

So how about we stop ruining perfectly good words by attaching unnecessary sexual connotations to turn them into something dirty. There's enough gratuitous sexualization in this world already.
Girl #1: "Wow, I'm feeling so gay today!"
Girl #2: "Wait... don't you mean lesbian?"
Girl #1: "No, stupid, I mean I'm happy. It's got nothing to do with my sexual orientation."
by StopMakingEverythingAboutSex September 2, 2018
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A word used to describe the (high) temperature of food, weather, and sometimes people. However, it should be noted that when this word is used to describe a person, it should only be applied in a literal sense to the temperature of his or her body. When used in the context of sexual attractiveness, it becomes a degrading and objectifying term.
Correct Use:
Guy: "I'm glad summer's finally here, but wow, it sure is hot!"
Girl: "Yeah, I hope there won't be so many wildfires this year."
Guy: "Agreed. We really need to start managing the forests better!"

Incorrect Use:
Guy: "Whoa, babe, you're so hot, I just wanna..."
Girl: "Get lost, jerk. I'm a woman, not a meal."
by StopMakingEverythingAboutSex September 2, 2018
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It's a song, you sex-obsessed idiots! A perfectly innocent Owl City song about a guy who misses his girlfriend (or perhaps even a platonic friend, it isn't clear). Stop trying to turn it into something dirty.

When he uses the term, "Vanilla Twilight", he is literally talking about the color of the sky:
I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when
I think of you I don't feel so alone
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