1 definition by Steve-O.

A derogatory term for the state of Texas, used by people who dislike the ego-centric and in-your-face "cowboy wanna-be" deportment of many Texans.
Dude, I do NOT want to spend my one week off this year from work in effin' TexASS! I hate the cowboy vibe, and don't like country music. Pleeze...can't we go somewhere else?


"Don't Mess with TexASS". Yeehaw! Like, what a stupid bumper sticker to promote Texas! What do they mean to imply? Come to TexASS and get your ass kicked? Well....er, uh...I think I'll go to Baja California for vacation instead. Less brainless cowboy testoserone than TexASS!
by Steve-O. September 20, 2006
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