58 definitions by Stephen W. Thomas

Fantastically chav-like. Used in description of a typical chav or similar.
FCUK is chavilicious!
by Stephen W. Thomas December 1, 2004
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"Oh, that's an abscess, that is."
by Stephen W. Thomas October 18, 2004
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The large 'dignified' group that fit in between the alternative groups such as punk, emo and indie, and the chav groups. Alteranchavs are easily identified by their high street clothes (New Look, Topman and River Island) and the fact that they always sit near the chavs at school, in hope of being 'promoted'. This is not to say that they know they want to be chavs, it is all a deep psychological need. If you need to identify an alternachav in a hurry, just ask them who The Shins are. Or shout out 'The chavs need a new cronie!' at the top of your voice.
Emo: Hey, heard The Shins new album?
Alternachav: Yeah, totally.
Emo: Ha! They don't have a new album!
Alternachav: LikeshutupIdontknownuffinaboutnuffin
by Stephen W. Thomas February 22, 2005
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Any person who claims to be alternative or indie but is actually are townie in denial. Similar breeds are sprouting up over the country. See also skownie.
"That girl is SEXY!"
"No she's not. She's such a neo-townie."
by Stephen W. Thomas October 12, 2004
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An expression of shock pioneered in West Sussex churches as a way to avoid swearing when surprised. Has now spread and is a general phrase used when shocked. Can be shortened for instant messaging to WTM.
by Stephen W. Thomas October 12, 2004
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A common term used to describe fire engines, when using a Cornish accent. I love the Cornish. Anyhoo, this is also a way to taste the drunkness of a friend, by seeing how many 'gin' sounds are added on the end.
Stan: Are you drunk, Jimmy?
Jimmy: I don't know.
Stan: Say 'foire engin'.
Jimmy: Foire engin-gin-gin-gin-gin-gin-gin.
Stan: Drunk fool.
by Stephen W. Thomas May 6, 2005
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