58 definitions by Stephen W. Thomas

Spaghetti bolognaise. And you're in idiot if you think otherwise.
'I love spag bol like a well-worn custard cream!'
by Stephen W. Thomas May 28, 2005
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Someone who is addicted to their own fart smell, and so farts as often as possible.
'Stan, you're a real fartoholic'
'You stink.'
by Stephen W. Thomas May 9, 2005
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as in 'Church'. A place of worship for some.
'Loike, I'm off to choich!'
'You don't go to church!'
'Yes I do.'
by Stephen W. Thomas November 10, 2004
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Manga,anime or Japanimation drawn by lonely teenagers who think they are cool. They are not. The likeness to real Japanese cartoons varies, but is irrelevant once one realises an idiot could draw the characters.
'Is that crapanimation you're drawing, Phil?'
'No, it's Japanimation.'
'Tomayto, Tomarto'
by Stephen W. Thomas February 22, 2005
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Sven Anders Hedin (1865-1952) was one of the great Swedish explorers. He was not the greatest, but was certainly one of them. Hedin was born in Stockholm and educated in both Sweden and Germany. Before he was 21 he started on his first exploration, of his back garden. He then travelled through Mesopotamia, part of which is now known as Iraq. Fascinating. In 1893 he began a 4 year journey across central Asia, looking for the lesser spotted Asian Zebra a friend had told him about. After four years his friend admitted he had lied. During a journey across the Pamir-La-Anderson Mountains his party found several ancient cities, called 'New York', 'Boston' and 'Disneyworld'. From 1927-35 he was in charge of the joint Chinese-Swedish expedition. They found China, but lost Sweden in the act. Which was a shame. I like Sweden. They invented Abba.
Person 1: 'Oh look! I found Jehol: City of Emperors by Sven Anders Hedin!'
Person 2: 'Well, he's an okay Swedish bloke, but I prefer Gustaf Dalen, who revolutionised lighthouse equipment and invented the Aga cooker.'
by Stephen W. Thomas November 7, 2004
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A mixture between 'wonderful' and 'fabulous'. Used to make your miserable lives just a tad better.
'That steak was wondabulous!'
'Not nearly as wondabulous as the ketchup.'
by Stephen W. Thomas February 24, 2005
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Used to exclaim the brilliance of good planning.
'So, we'll finish mini-gol, and be at the cinema in time for Bambi'
by Stephen W. Thomas June 30, 2005
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