141 definitions by Stephanie

1)one of the coolest drummers ever, for the Max weinberg 7
Max Weinberg plays very well
by Stephanie April 14, 2004
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one who wears old-school chuck taylors, smokes parliament cigarettes, and drinks miller high life.
That hipster stole the keg, let's get the bastard.

It was very hipster chic to wear that 70's ski vest.
by Stephanie May 6, 2004
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A female named Stephanie who has a love for the sounds of the Jamaican born genre Ska.
I saw Skaphanie dancing at the Toasters show the other night.
by Stephanie August 18, 2004
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1. For the sake of fucking.
2. For the sake of oral sex.
1. For fuck's sake, James, get some treatment for the damned herpes!
2. For fuck's sake, Bob, go vegan! See "vegans taste better."
by Stephanie April 1, 2004
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a person sufferin for somthin they want but cant have wanna be tuff person that says uncessary stuff at the wrong times and is bascily a asshole
person: damn im mad as hell
crakchead: wen u gone give it up
person: u stufferin ass motha fucka
by Stephanie February 28, 2005
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