141 definitions by Stephanie

synonomous with butthead,butthole,asswipe...etc.etc
he's being some dumb, what a farthead
by Stephanie May 8, 2004
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to take a shit, but make sure to leave them some sunscreen(piss), and there always seems to be corn in it no matter if you had it or not
Keith:I just dropped the Cosby's off at the pool
Bethany: Eww, i didnt need to know about that
by Stephanie February 20, 2004
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playa pimp
this be where the tru nugguhs roll
you best be watchin yo back down in da F TIZZOWN
other person: im gonna jump you boi cause i be in f town
by Stephanie February 16, 2005
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one who wears old-school chuck taylors, smokes parliament cigarettes, and drinks miller high life.
That hipster stole the keg, let's get the bastard.

It was very hipster chic to wear that 70's ski vest.
by Stephanie May 6, 2004
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A word used on someone to confuse them when you don't have a life and have nothing better to do.
*thinks to self* "Gee, I'm bored. I guess I will mess with someone"

"hey Adam, you need to go pick up that pipolopip"

*thinks to self* "Too bad I'm not cool enough to come up with a better sounding word"
by Stephanie June 21, 2004
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A badge, pin, button or other small fashion accessory.
I have so much flare on my bag.
by Stephanie October 9, 2004
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