253 definitions by Starchylde

Another name for Heaven or the place people go to in their afterlife. I have lots of family & friends on The Other Side.
The Other Side is a Utophian place, happy, peaceful, relaxing, beautiful.
by Starchylde June 21, 2016
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The color of the sky when twilight sets in. A beautiful color, calming, relaxing, comforting.
I very much love the blue dark that happens every night!
by Starchylde August 9, 2016
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Someone who's perpetually awake at night & sleeps during the day. They prefer the night over the day & are mystical people.
I think I'm a night creature because I was born at 4 am & have always greatly preferred the night to the day.
by Starchylde December 24, 2015
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Pronounced 'Joe~un', a country girl, was in those big pre~1950 dictionaries.
Montana sure has a good choice of joan (noun) farmer's daughter's hotties!
by Starchylde December 28, 2015
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When a toddler has reached the end of their patience & flies into a rage.
The toddler said, Fun room! Fun room! (His brothers' room with video games). They kept their door shut & he always wanted to go in there. He flew into a toddler rage & kicked a hole in the door & said "I wish I was wearing boots so I could've kicked a bigger hole!" He totally kicked the door off its hinges 3 or 4 times! He'd reached the end of his patience.
by Starchylde May 26, 2016
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At Rainbow Gatherings, when the sun is high overhead.
At Rainbow Noon is when Main Circle happens. On July 4th, all the Rainbow Gatherers hold hands in a huge circle & chant "Ohm".
by Starchylde May 21, 2016
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