10 definitions by Srapples

Amateur Radio, a user of a radio set will key their microphone usually multiple times into a repeater (a special high power radio relay tower that allows many people to talk on one frequency) in doing so it annoys other users and in severe cases it can make the repeater difficult or impossible to use. The FCC frowns on kerchunking and chronic kerchunkers can find their ham radio licenses suspended or revoked
Repeater Owner: **** Dave is kerchunking again, I can barely get a word in on the repeater
Technician: Probably time we sent a letter to the FCC.
by Srapples October 4, 2023
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A person whom bypasses a ban. Most commonly by changing their IP address or MAC address.
Chatroom 1

xxxpornsales: come buy our porn on our website blahblah.com
xxxpornsales: come buy our porn on our website blahblah.com
xxxpornsales: come buy our porn on our website blahblah.com
xxxpornsales: come buy our porn on our website blahblah.com
Dave (Admin) has banned xxxpornsales from the chat
James: Didn't you ban that guy yesterday
Dave (admin): He must be banwalking again, he is known for doing that. Damn hacker
by Srapples March 10, 2009
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A spool of film containing usually useful information in the form of newspapers or other scholarly material.. Half of the time they are used to look at nostalgic comics from old newspapers. The other half of the time is spent trying to get the spools lined up inside of the machine or otherwise rewinding a reel by hand because you got the film all over.
Jim: hey Bert did you see the December 12th 1992 Dilbert comic?
Bert: Huh, no, how the hell did you see it?
Jim: Microfiche man!

Librarian on intercom: The library is closing in 20 minutes.
Jack: Crap!!! This microfiche is all over the floor!!!
John: Stick your finger in the middle of the spool and just hold it, I'll rewind it
Jack: Dude we are so getting banned from this library!
by Srapples July 31, 2013
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a person who stinks or is unpleasent or something that stinks
wow... your garbage is the shtunk!

your girlfriend is a real shtunk
by Srapples August 6, 2008
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b00z is the h4x0r spelling of booze or an alcoholic beverage.
Did you buy the b00z for our LAN party yet?
by Srapples October 25, 2009
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The boonie woonies is the area in a state that is completely uninhabited by any type of civilization whatsoever.
Jack: Dude I hope you stopped for gas, we are about to drive through the boonie woonies

James: No problem theres only 400 miles of Boonie Woonies in this state and I've got a hybrid

2 hours later

James: We're out of gas

by Srapples October 4, 2013
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Usually when a male or female is getting to sneeze and is like Ohh Ohh Ohh like they are going to have an orgasm but end up sneezing instead
Me: My girlfriend just had a sneezogasm
Guy1: Oh is she ok?
Me: Yeah just allergies
by Srapples January 14, 2012
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