4 definitions by Srah

the most wonderful person in all the world, excellent in every way.
wow you are almost as perfect as skez
by Srah October 12, 2004
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(n) a word used to express how slow something is going.

usu. used in reference to elevators.
this elevator is going slower than an elephant in quick sand...or a boiled salmon.
by Srah January 24, 2005
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The part of the leg that hurts like a bitch when it rains.
My knees are killing me.
by Srah January 20, 2005
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a word used to describe the sound that someone makes when they don't want to give you a piggy-back ride
person: shyam! give me a piggy-back ride!
shyam: *dying camel noise*
by Srah August 31, 2006
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